Calling writers, artists, short-form filmmakers, and photographers to share their written, visual, and performance-based stories for our "What a Time to Be Alive" Community Anthology.
This call for submissions and the upcoming publication is sponsored and facilitated by the Salt Lake Community College Community Writing Center (CWC). Storytelling across genres and mediums has been and will continue to be central to developing cultural identities, fostering personal exploration, and examining what it means to be human in this time and place.
Thus, the CWC is seeking to collect and publish stories that represent the dynamics, complexities, and nuances of what it means to be human in this time and place.
Stories can take the form of many genres, structures, and art forms: poetry, essays, dramas, short fiction, hybrid and experimental forms like graphic novellas, visual art, music, etc. Writers, Artists, Musicians, Dancers, and Photographers of all experience levels are invited to submit. We may ask for revisions and edits where relevant.
NOTE: if you are a member of one or more of the CWC's Community Writing Series groups, you are strongly encouraged to submit a piece or pieces you've been working on with your writing group.
If you'd like to join or create a CWC Community Writing Series group, contact Elisar Soueidi ( or Kati Lewis ( Go here for more information on our Community Writing Series:
We reserve the right not to publish submissions that fall outside of the scope and intentions of this publication project.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 11:59 p.m. on May 19, 2025.
The CWC will host "What a Time to Be Alive" reading and launch celebration during the 2025 Arts Festival (June 19-22). Additional details about about the launch will be announced in April.
Calling writers, artists, photographers to share their written stories and visual images for the She Said: Women’s Voices in Utah Anthology. She Said is a collaboration between the Community Writing Center and Amplify Utah. This collaboration seeks to gather stories (poetry, essays, dramas, fiction, hybrid and experimental forms) and visual representations of women’s experiences in Utah, a state that has consistently been ranked the worst state for women’s equality in the areas of workplace environment, education, health and political empowerment. The collaboration also includes a workshop series. We’re looking for submissions that explore what it means to live in these cultural, historical, economic, and political contexts. Writers, Artists, and Photographers of all experience levels are invited to submit. We may ask for revisions and edits where relevant.
We reserve the right not to publish submissions that fall outside of the scope and intentions for this anthology project.
DEADLINE: 11:59 pm on May 4, 2025.
We invite you to share your stories/artwork/photography at the "She Said Anthology Celebration." See below for more details on the Celebration:
Date & Time: During the Utah Arts Festival on the Word Fest Stage for reading/presenting works from the anthology. Further details will be shared in early May.
Those who read/present their anthology work on the Word Fest Stage will receive a day pass for the Utah Arts Festival.
Location: 210 E 400 S #8, SLC, UT 84111
The Gandhi Alliance in collaboration with the SLCC Community Writing Center (CWC) and Student Writing and Reading Center (SWRC) are facilitating the 2025 Writing for Peace Contest.
For the 2025 Contest, writers must respond to the following writing prompt:
"Reflect on a crucial moment in the past in which violence or an escalation of violence was avoided due to the actions of peace actors. How might we use the peacemaking actions from this past event to work toward a peaceful resolution or change for a contemporary social, political, environmental, and/or economic issue in the present? Now, imagine a future in which peace has been sustained."
We encourage submissions of rough drafts and final drafts.
There are awards for an adult category and youth (15-18 years old) category. Here is the breakdown of the award amount for first, second, and third place awards for each category.
- $250 first place
- $100 second place
- $50 third place
Submission Deadline: 11:59 pm on March 12, 2025.
The CWC will publish the award-winning essays in May. There will be a celebration for the winners on May 8, 2025. Winners will be notified and formally invited to the celebration.
To help writers meaningfully respond to the prompt, we encourage participation in one or both of the CWC-SWRC free "Writing for Peace" workshops. Participation in the workshops is not required to submit to the contest; however, it's strongly recommended.
See below for details and to register for each workshop:
Reflecting on the Past for Peace in the Present
Wednesday, February 26, 6 pm-7:30 pm
Join the CWC and SWRC for this workshop intended to help participants develop and submit an essay for the Gandhi Alliance's "Writing for Peace" Contest. Together, we'll explore how peacemakers in the past helped foster peaceful resolutions to conflicts and how their work can inspire peace in the present. Additionally, we'll use several examples of how peacemakers used the written word and different writing genres to write for peace.
Cost: Free. Registration is required.
Location: CWC, 210 East 400 South #8
Making Peace in the Present & for the Future
Wednesday, March 5, 6 pm-7:30 pm
Join the CWC and SWRC for this workshop intended to help participants develop and submit an essay for the Gandhi Alliance's "Writing for Peace" Contest. In this workshop, we'll explore how contemporary peacemakers are using writing across genres to work toward peaceful resolutions or make meaningful change in the present on social, political, environmental, and/or economic issues that matter to us.
Cost: Free. Registration is required.
Location: CWC, 210 East 400 South #8